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Surveys for the Mission-Shaped Church


What skills and competencies are required for pastors to lead churches into the ways of mission? How do churches discover missional life and the factors that are currently hindering them from entering into mission? What kind of skills and capacities are needed for denominational executives to cultivate local mission-shaped leaders and lead systems through change?

The Mission-shaped Surveys are 360-degree surveys which take a comprehensive look at the factors that need to be cultivated in order for pastors, leaders, congregations and denominational executives to lead and grow in mission. These resources have been used with many leaders and congregations across North America and Australia.

The surveys are not assessments that rate or compare you to other leaders or congregations. They are a snapshot of your leadership or your congregation at one moment in time in relation to a series of factors that are critical for developing mission-shaped communities.

The Mission-Shaped Surveys can be used as standalone tools or as part of a process where an experienced coach walks you through the key elements of interpretation and application. For more information about coaching, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions about the survey process, reports, and the process of evaluation and application.

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